50 years ago, Robot was the first story of the twelfth season of Doctor Who, beginning Tom Baker's iconic era as the Fourth Doctor.
Following on from Jon Pertwee's action-orientated Third Doctor, Baker's eccentric and enigmatic tenure at the controls of the TARDIS would witness an unprecedented level of popularity for the BBC's beloved sci-fi series both in the UK and overseas, and the launch of Marvel UK's Doctor Who Weekly. The fan-favourite publication went monthly and continues to this day.
Dad was a fan of Pertwee's Third Doctor, and the Sonic Screwdriver was passed from generation to generation.
My earliest memory of watching Doctor Who is The Sontaran Experiment and the Fourth Doctor is my favourite incarnation. From shapeshifting Zygons to an android Sarah Jane Smith (Lis Sladen) to the bubbling brain of Morbius, Doctor Who was a Saturday teatime staple watched with my dad.
This was an era before the widespread adoption of home video recorders. If we missed an episode, there was little chance of seeing it unless there was an omnibus edition repeat. Revenge of the Cybermen was the first VHS tape I owned in 1983.
When I was hospitalised in the wake of an unreported head injury in primary school, vintage annuals, Denys Fisher's Fourth Doctor, Cyberman and Giant Robot action figures gifted by family, and eating Jelly Babies, took my mind off of a life-changing childhood trauma as I began years of rehabilitation having undergone a regeneration - the ingenious key to the sci-fi series’ longevity - of my own.
On Christmas Day 1979, Santa Claus completed my collection by leaving a much-wished-for Denys Fisher TARDIS and K9 under the tree.
Considered by many fans (myself included) as one of the greatest seasons of Doctor Who, Season Twelve is available on Blu-ray from Amazon (affiliate link).
What are your memories of watching the Fourth Doctor? Let me know in the comments below.