Had it not been for PlayStation's State of Play and Earl Barker, a friend and fellow video gamer, I wouldn't have known about Exodus (other than hearing a brief mention of it during an episode of the Unlocked podcast and then forgetting all about it)!
The upcoming sci-fi action-adventure role-playing game (RPG) starring Matthew McConaughey (Interstellar) is developed by Archetype Entertainment, a division of Wizards of the Coast (a subsidiary of Hasbro renowned for properties like Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: The Gathering). BioWare and Bungie veterans are spearheading the space odyssey, which has piqued my interest. The dream team have worked on Halo and Mass Effect.
Read the official synopsis:
"Having fled a dying Earth, humanity has found a new home in a hostile galaxy.
Here, we are the underdogs, fighting our final battle for survival.
You are the Traveler, humanity’s last hope."
It's impossible to ignore the original Mass Effect trilogy overtones, and I'm here for it.
I was very late to the Mass Effect party! After winning an Xbox 360 S from LOVEFiLM (Prime Video), I bought Mass Effect 3 in 2012. This was tantamount to watching Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, first!
So, finally, I began FemShep's hero's journey from the beginning in the lead-up to the release of Mass Effect: Andromeda in 2017. It would cement Mass Effect's status as one of the greatest space operas in any medium. Combining the Battlestar Galactica reboot with Star Trek and Star Wars to peerless effect.
I laughed, I cried and didn't want to say goodbye to Shepard's found family as the end credits rolled! Character-driven storytelling was front and centre throughout a hundred hours or more. And, for the first time, there was a disabled character I could empathise with in a video game...
During the pandemic, I played Mass Effect Legendary Edition on Game Pass. I will replay it ahead of Exodus as and when it's released sometime in the future for PlayStation 5 (PS5) and Xbox Series X|S.
Are you looking forward to Exodus? Let me know in the comments below.