Monday, 25 May 2009

Happy Birthday to Star Wars!

Star Wars debuted in theatres on May 25, 1977 changing cinema forever... It also happened to be the first film I saw at the cinema!

My late mother took me to see Star Wars. Therefore I dedicate this post in loving memory to you mum. The force has a lot of power...

Friday, 22 May 2009

Tara McPherson signing at Forbidden Planet

Forbidden Planet is pleased to announce a signing by Tara McPherson. She will be signing Lost Constellations at the Forbidden Planet Megastore, 179 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, WC2H 8JR, on Thursday 11th June 6 - 7pm

Tara is based in New York City and creates art about people and their odd ways. Recalling many issues from childhood and good old life experience, she creates images that are thought provoking and seductive. People and their relationships are a central theme throughout her work. Lost Constellations is the second book of her astounding artwork, following the success of Lonely Heart.

Tara exhibits her paintings and serigraphs in fine art galleries all over the world. Named the crown princess of poster art by ELLE Magazine, she has created numerous gig posters for rock bands such as Beck, Modest Mouse, and Melvins. Her array of art also includes painted comics and covers for various high-profile companies and she has created toys with KidRobot. Her art has also been featured in the Oscar Award-winning film Juno, Veronica Mars, Point Pleasant, and Guitar Hero.

Forbidden Planet is the largest store of its kind in the world. Some of the biggest names in Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Comics and Cult Entertainment have come to our London Megastore for signing events, including: Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, Terry Gilliam, Simon Pegg, William Gibson, Mark Millar, Guillermo Del Toro, Brian Froud and Stephen King.

For more news about our signings please go to:

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Till Death (Or the Republic) Do Us Part

Guest post written by Gavin Nachbar

Duncan Thomson and Sammi Gardiner met a long time ago, in a place far, far away.

This past May 4, Duncan, 41, arrived to his wedding sporting black pants and a black vest, and Sammi, 39, came wearing a white dress and a veil. She walked the isle amongst friends and family who came dressed for the occasion too. Yes…the best man came dressed as Chewbacca.

Both avid fans of all the Star Wars movies, Duncan and Sammi saw it only fitting that they get married at a Star Wars themed wedding, on Star Wars day. The couple, from the Isle of Wight, had both been married before and saw no need to have a “typical wedding.” The theme was an easy choice, seeing as their first date back in May 2005 was going to see Revenge of the Sith.

Family friend Dan Cawpheray, embodying the character of Darth Vader, delivered the sermon in a Star Wars style flanked by two Imperial Stormtroopers. He started off by saying, "Members of the Galactic Empire, Duncan and Sammi met a long time ago, in a place far, far away. The force is strong with these two.”

And at the time when most brides and grooms promise to be together “through sickness and in health,” Duncan went that much further and said, "I promise to protect you from carbon freezing and promise to protect you from the Dark Side, through hyperspace and into the far reaches of the galaxy."

Although most parts of Star Wars were included throughout the ceremony, the couple had to take out all the parts with referencing a “Jedi”, since it is in fact a recognized religion.

The ceremony ended with the bride and the groom exchanging rings. The bride's ring was made out a meteorite found from Canyon Diablo, in the US, and read “May the 4th be with you.”

Despite all the fun, though, George Lucas was not on hand for the wedding, although the newlyweds did extend the olive branch to the creator of Star Wars. Lucas even responded with a personal letter from Skywalker Ranch saying that he could not go. Said Mr. Thomson of Lucas not being able to attend, "It was a shame he could not be here but I hope he sees the pictures and sees that we did him proud."

Gavin Nachbar is a freelance writer. If you would like to submit a guest post, please email.

Sunday, 10 May 2009

Star Trek: The Touch Generation

JJ Abrams' Star Trek reboot is a revelation, that has challenged my jaded expectations of a franchise that no longer seemed relevant, nor enjoyable! Abrams' and his cohorts have passed the Kobayashi Maru test: with such kinetic zeal and aplomb, it's exhausting!

The traditional revenge narrative is predicated on the notion that the future of Star Trek has been altered, irrevocably, by time-travelling Romulans led by Nero (an uncharismatic Eric Bana)! An age old deceit, which is most welcome here. We're, literally, in an undiscovered country...

JJ Abrams proved his character-driven credentials with original network television drama series such as Felicity, Alias and Lost! The underrated M:I III proved conclusively that action sequences can boast bombast, but not at the expense of human drama. Star Trek cements that reputation to the nth degree with the interpersonal conflicts between Kirk, Spock and Nero.

The hero shots are reserved, rightly, for the USS Enterprise itself! The starship's design referencing the incarnations seen in Star Trek I to VI. The bridge is imbued with the design ethos of Steve Jobs' Apple - another successful reboot! This is an Enterprise for the iPhone and iPod touch generation!

This Trek has been rebuilt from the ground up. A masterstroke that reconnects/introduces many fans (myself included) to the adventures of Kirk, Spock and Bones! Frankly, I'll always prefer Kirk in the captain's chair! Phasers on stunning...

Shop Star Trek Store for cool collectibles from the movie and more!

You should follow me on twitter here.

Monday, 4 May 2009

Celebrate Star Wars Day on Twitter!

Celebrate Star Wars Day by following @starwars!

May The Fourth Be With You Always.