Friday, 1 August 2008

"Padme" wins the George Lucas Selects Award at Comic-Con

A reader sent me the following, which I wanted to share with fellow Star Wars fans!


The comedy short Padmé won the George Lucas Selects Award at the 2008 Star Wars Fan Movie Challenge, held at the San Diego Comic-Con. Producers Jason Ginsburg, Robert Reeves, and Kevin Walsh accepted the top prize, beating thousands of other entries and over forty finalists.

Padmé has been a fan favorite since its debut on (co-producer of the awards), garnering great reviews from Star Wars fans, bloggers, the science-fiction site io9, and the Times of London. The honors continued when George Lucas himself named Padmé his personal favorite.

A parody of Juno using Star Wars characters, Padmé pokes fun at the similar tales of two sets of teens who learn that teen pregnancy is no joke -- unless you mix in some hip teen dialog and the Dark Side of the Force. Ginsburg, Reeves, and Walsh even created Star Wars versions of Juno's famously quirky songs.

"We're truly honored that Lucas picked us," said co-producer and performer Jason Ginsburg after the ceremony. "We were up against films with much bigger budgets. The three of us shot Padmé at five locations in five days, played half the roles, and served as our own crew."

"The other winners are all top-quality entries spanning several genres," said writer Kevin Walsh. "After seeing them all again at the ceremony, we were surprised and humbled to take home the ultimate trophy."

The film's cast includes Lisa Vendette (star of the web series Hollywood Acting Class) in the title role, along with Gerald Webb, Robin Johnstone, and Riley Rose Critchlow. The three producers also appear in the film; Ginsburg alone portrays Yoda, C-3PO, Darth Vader, and the Emperor.

Celebrity guests at the awards ceremony included Kevin Spacey, Reneé O'Connor (Xena: Warrior Princess), Danny Kastner (The Apprentice), and Kyle Newman, director of the upcoming MGM film Fanboys.

The Star Wars Fan Movie Challenge is an annual short film contest sponsored by Lucasfilm and, a comedy website owned by MTV Networks. Spike TV will air a special featuring all of the 2008 winners this fall.

Padmé can be found exclusively on the Atom site, at:

REEVESREEL is a production and visual effects company founded by Robert Reeves. Reeves directed and starred Cheap Seats, which won the Best Comedy award at the Star Wars Fan Movie Challenge in 2005. Reeves' movie Wheeled Migration (a mockumentary about shopping carts) played in festivals such as the 48-Hour Film Festival, the Comic-Con International Film Festival, and the Universal Studios Film Festival where it won for Best Documentary and Best in Show. ReevesReel can be found at

ReevesReel contact:, 818.822.9237

EVIL GENIUS ENTERTAINMENT is a production company founded by USC film graduates Jason Ginsburg and Kevin Walsh. Together, they have written several award-winning feature screenplays and created comedy content for the National Lampoon and mobile phones. Individually, Kevin Walsh is the co-creator of the comic book series Salem: Queen of Thorns (BOOM! Studios). Jason Ginsburg has received high praise for his satire of 24, Jack Bauer's Day Off. Evil Genius content can be found at

Evil Genius Entertainment contact:, 310.890.0323

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