Monday, 15 September 2008

Bring Back Star Wars sans Skywalker

Did you watch Bring Back Star Wars, presented by Justin Lee Collins, which was shown, last night, on Channel 4?

Justin Lee Collins, following his successful A-Team, Dallas and Grange Hill assignments, attempted to reunite the principal cast of the original Star Wars trilogy in his inimitable style!

Carrie Fisher is, as always, interview gold! Princess Leia was my first pin-up and adorned my bedroom wall for almost a decade! And I'm entirely envious that Justin Lee Collins had a guided tour of Carrie Fisher's homestead, despite being terrorised by one of Carrie's canines, that's not a euphemism!

The revelation that Kenny Baker (R2-D2) and Anthony Daniels (C3-PO) never got along was a baffling surprise! And what's with Mark Hamill's (Luke Skywalker) self-defeating agenda to distance himself from the Star Wars saga? Collins' was fortunate not to raise the ludicrous $50K, purportedly requested by the actor's agent, to interview the embittered star! Skywalker! More like Starkiller!

Ultimately. I was left yearning for an unspoiled reissue of the original Star Wars trilogy on Blu-ray! George Lucas you, alone, have the power to bring balance to the force...

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