Friday, 13 March 2009

Forbidden Planet to 'rock out' at EasterCon

Forbidden Planet are delighted to announce that, with the help of our friends at Sony and at Harmonix Music, we’ll be presenting David Devereux’s ROCK BAND: BATTLE OF THE BANDS at EasterCon on the Sunday evening.

This is a fantastic chance to play ROCK BAND 2 – before its EU release!

We have a huge range of fantastic prizes, plus loads of freebies and give-aways to be snapped up. And every participant will get an FP flash-code, redeemable for 10% OFF against ANY purchase from - but they’ll have to be quick as the code’s only hot for a couple of days!

Thanks to Harmonix Music, we’ll be supplying the full four-player Rock Band set-up for PS3 (vocals, guitar, bas guitar, drums) plus classic AC/DC track pack – all our rockers will need to bring is themselves, their mates and their beer. And they can rock out solo – we’re welcoming all!

PLUS: thanks to our friends at Sony, we’ll have a full audio/visual rebroadcast set-up in the Rowan Room – screens that everyone can see. With Rock Band 2’s fantastic animation and top sound effects – whatever their band, they’re sure to look good.

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