Sunday, 12 July 2009

Download droidMAKER for free!

On June 29th Michael Rubin made his critically-acclaimed book droidMAKER: George Lucas and the Digital Revolution available as a free download!

Twitter proved its invaluable credentials as people tweeted links to the news, which was broken by Binary Bonsai. I dutifully played my part by retweeting too. However, it was while exchanging emails with Michael, that it was decided a belated blog post would be beneficial too! Especially for readers that do not follow me on Twitter.

From an insiders perspective: droidMAKER breathtakingly chronicles the rise of Lucasfilm, paradigm shifting digital production methodologies, the genesis of PIXAR and the legacy of Star Wars! To find out more, please read Michael Rubin's original blog post here.

I am providing the following download links to the "3 Acts" as a courtesy. The files maybe removed, without notice, at the discretion of the author:

Act 1: Intro plus Chapters 1-6 (PDF - 1.8MB)
Act 2: Chapters 7-17 (PDF - 3.7MB)
Act 3: Chapters 18-26, Index (PDF - 4.3MB)

Not only for Star Wars fans, but anyone with an interest in media production, I'd recommend purchasing droidMAKER from Amazon! You won't regret it.

You should follow me on twitter here.


  1. Thanks John for the posting. If you or your readers have any questions for me, or would like to chat, let me know.



  2. Michael,

    You're most welcome and thank you for your kind offer.

    I'm most certain that many of my readers, like myself, will follow your decision to make droidMAKER available, as a time-limited free download, with great interest.

    Best wishes,



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