Monday, 30 December 2013

Warwick Davis was paid £60 a day for Star Wars role

In a recent interview Warwick Davis revealed he was paid £60 a day to appear in Star Wars.

The actor was only 11 years old when he won the part of Wicket the Ewok in Return of the Jedi.

The break came after his grandmother heard a radio commercial appealing for small people to audition for the third Star Wars movie.

Davis, who co-manages the world's biggest talent agency for performers of restricted growth, told The Telegraph he was paid £60 a day for the role, but that money 'didn't even enter his head.'

He added: "I was paid £60 a day for being able to live out my dream.

"My mum and dad were my agents and we were dealing with Lucasfilm, a very respectable company, so if there was any negotiating to be done, I was looked after properly.

"Looking back, £60 was an absolute fortune, but it wasn’t as important as the thrill of meeting Luke Skywalker. Money didn’t even enter my head, as I’d have done it without being paid."

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