Friday, 27 March 2015

Like him to return in The Force Awakens, we would

Yoda voted as character fans would most like to cameo in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

The force is definitely strong with Yoda as he’s voted the classic character that most people would like to see in a cameo role when Star Wars returns to our screens later this year.

We all know that Han, Chewie, Luke, Leia and the droids are back but, with just months to go until Star Wars: The Force Awakens hits cinemas, speculation and rumours are rife about the plot and the possibility of other characters that could make a return.

De Agostini Publishing, the company behind the Build the Millennium Falcon magazine, carried out an online survey to see which other character from the Original Trilogy most people would like to see make an appearance in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Yoda was by far the most popular choice, with 46.6% of the vote, followed by Darth Vader with 26.1%.

Interestingly, fan favourite Boba Fett only scored 13.3%, with Lando and Wicket coming in behind him with 8.2% and 5.7% respectively.

The ancient Jedi proved to be a hit with the movies’ more adult fans, with 60% of parents and more than half (52.1%) of the 45 to 51 age group voting for him. Vader, however, proved to be most popular with the older voters, with a third (35%) of over 65s behind a return for the Dark Lord.

And, despite his poor showing in the ranks, Boba Fett proved to be the man’s choice of bounty hunter, receiving more than twice as many votes from men (17.8%) as from women (7.1%).

Officially licensed by Lucasfilm, each weekly issue of Build the Millennium Falcon comes with a selection of parts that build into a 1:1 scale model of the original Empire Strikes Back movie prop, including pre-painted hull parts, removable panels, working electronics for the moving ramp, LED lighting, and many internal details including the famous dejarik hologame table.

Priced at £8.99 an issue, the series is available throughout its publication via either newsagents or via subscription, which can be cancelled at any time. More information and details on how to subscribe can be found on the official website, and the official Facebook page at

The survey questioned 2,007 Google users during March 2015.

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