Thursday, 21 May 2015

Brad Bird passed on Star Wars for Tomorrowland

Director Brad Bird (The Incredibles and Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol) explains why he passed on directing Star Wars: The Force Awakens in favour of Tomorrowland.

“It absolutely was [a tough decision],” he said. “But there was no way to do [Star Wars] without junking this film, and we had already gotten George Clooney involved and I was excited about this film. I understand they had to get [The Force Awakens] made, and they would've had to push it in order for me to do it.”

The Tomorrowland director was asked if he would return to the Star Wars universe?

“Right now I'm writing Incredibles 2, so I've got my hands full!”

Tomorrowland, which is garnering praise from critics, appears to reprise Disney's other successful film franchise based on a theme park ride. Pirates of the Caribbean. Hopefully it won't be diminished by inferior sequels.

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