Thursday, 30 July 2015

Star Wars live-action series coming to Netflix?

Rumours of a live-action Star Wars series have abounded since Revenge of the Sith ended its theatrical run and The Clone Wars reigned supreme on the Cartoon Network. In fact a television series was originally planned to follow the original movie until its blockbusting success nixed the idea.

In the wake of Marvel's Daredevil on Netflix, and its overwhelming success on the streaming service, rumours of a Star Wars live-action series have reignited.  Cinelinx has the exclusive on these series, yes that's series, three allegedly. All thanks to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Do you think Netflix would be the perfect home for a live-action series and should there be crossovers with the cinematic universe? Let me know in the comments below.

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