Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Doctor Who's superhero Christmas caper

Not to be outdone by DC Comics or Marvel. Doctor Who teams up with a superhero, played by Justin Chatwin (Orphan Black), in New York this Christmas!

“I’ve always loved superheroes and this Christmas ‘Doctor Who’ dives into that world,” said Steven Moffat, the outgoing series showrunner. “My favorite superhero is Clark Kent. Not Superman, Clark Kent.”

Whilst Doctor Who has become an inseparable part of the festive fabric. The specials are a hit-and-miss affair. So, be sure to stick around for Andrew Lewin and me discussing the latest yuletide yarn in the New Year. I may try to entice Andrew into including reflections on Doctor Who's latest spin-off, Class, too.

The Christmas special, The Return of Doctor Mysterio, will air Christmas Day on BBC One.

Looking forward to the next Christmas special? Do you have a favourite? Let me know in the comments below.

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