Star Wars Forces of Destiny, an animated micro-series by Star Wars Rebels creator Dave Filoni, features Lupita Nyong’o (Maz Kanata), Daisy Ridley (Rey), Felicity Jones (Jyn Erso) and Ashley Eckstein (Ahsoka Tano) reprising their iconic roles in all-new adventures in a galaxy far, far away...
“Star Wars Forces of Destiny is for anyone who has been inspired by Leia’s heroism, Rey’s courage, or Ahsoka’s tenacity,” said Kathleen Kennedy, president of Lucasfilm. “We’re thrilled that so many of the original actors are reprising their roles in these shorts which capture the small moments and everyday decisions that shape who these characters are. It is a fun new way for people to experience Star Wars.”
The new series will be backed by a range of merchandise from Star Wars licensee Hasbro.
“From Princess Leia to Sabine Wren, Star Wars heroines are unique, and we wanted to represent that in the product line for Star Wars Forces of Destiny,” said Jimmy Pitaro, chairman, Disney Consumer Products and Interactive Media. “The result is the creation of our new ‘Adventure Figures’ that celebrate the power and stories of these incredible characters and allow kids to recreate their most heroic moments at home.”
The animated shorts will premiere on Disney's YouTube channel prior to airing on the Disney Channel.
Star Wars Forces of Destiny starts 3rd July.
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