Thursday, 9 March 2006

Singular Vision

Last June I wrote an article about the dethroned self-proclaimed King of Pop Michael Jackson.

Sony BMG's decision to release Visionary (a remastered collection of classic singles wrapped in ornate Epic records packaging) is a further attempt to nickel and dime fans already exhausted by an annual diet of repackaged hits.

This time around the unique selling point is format. The songs are being made available on DualDisc for the first time! In 1991 Barry Fox, veteran electronics journalist and media pundit, writing for ERT magazine, wrote that Sony artists would release their music on crisps if it guaranteed more sales (relating to Sony's stalled MiniDisc format)! Personally, I drew the line with The Ultimate Collection (4CD+DVD) and await new material.

In a move that mimics Mariah Carey, Michael Jackson is rumored to be recording a duet with West Life! Please pass me the new Prince and LL Cool J (Featuring Jennifer Lopez).

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