Thursday, 8 March 2007

£20 off PS3 Pre-order at is running a PlayStation 3 pre-order promotion. Save up to £20 when you buy this console.

Just add this console and your selected PlayStation 3 games to your Shopping Basket before midnight on March 22, 2007 and enter the correct promotional code when prompted at the checkout stage.

For a PlayStation 3 console and one PlayStation 3 game (total saving: £5), please use this code: 7KMMEBB9

For a PlayStation 3 console and two PlayStation 3 games (total saving: £10), please use this code: AC3FP7B3

For a PlayStation 3 console and three PlayStation 3 games (total saving: £15), please use this code: P4XH256F

For a PlayStation 3 console and four PlayStation 3 games (total saving: £20), please use this code: ZGZ5TC5V

Does this mean that demand is low or is this bespoke bundle a bargain? Given the positive PlayStation 3 press reviews, especially regarding Blu-Ray playback, I'd say the latter!

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