Sunday, 4 May 2008

Star Wars Day

May the Fourth couldn't be a more apt day to announce the winner of my Star Wars competition!

The winner of the limited edition mimobot Boba Fett is Ian Cook, whose comment eloquently distilled the character of Star Wars' most notorious bounty hunter in a USB flash drive:

"A Fett shaped memory stick .. To truly guard those precious files .. Unless someone offers him the right price to divulge their contents .. Curse those mercenary bounty hunters ;)"

Congratulations Ian, please DM me on either Facebook or Twitter and Boba Fett will be on his way to you very soon.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to leave a comment, and please remember to subscribe by RSS for future 'give-away' competitions. If you're an Indy fan stay tuned for an awesome Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull tie-in with DK Books!

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