Thursday, 22 May 2008

Talking Twitter, The Double and Princesshay nail bomb

This past week much has been made of Twitter's recurring service outages! Clearly Twitter is suffering scaling issues, escalated, in no small part, by mainstream media conglomerates adopting Twitter as part of their online channel offerings.

In a somewhat reactionary move, some self-appointed 'opinion leaders', on Twitter, were calling for a boycott of the young service yesterday - prophetically dubbed - Twit-Out!

I chose to boycott the boycott! Ironically, Twitter, itself, was 'out of it' for a while; although I doubt that this was intended to express solidarity for Twit-Out. I was aggrieved due to my unabridged delight at Manchester United securing The Double against Chelsea FC, whom I'm loathe to ever like, under dramatic circumstances!

On a most serious note. This afternoon, Twitter, yet again, proved its intrinsic value with regards 'breaking news', when a nail bomb exploded at Exeter's Princesshay Shopping Centre! I had, literally, only driven by Princesshay minutes prior to the explosion. Wondering if Peter Lacey, an eye witness interviewed by the BBC at Princesshay, is the same Peter I knew at primary school? Small world if it is!

One of my Twitter peeps, Geoff Rogers, has written an incisive post:

Twitter applications with actual applications

Geoff's a CSS style guru, amongst innumerable web 2.0 talents, and consulted on the usability of this blog! May I suggest that you subscribe to his blog's RSS feed too, you may learn something invaluable!

You can follow me on Twitter.

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