Friday, 5 March 2010

iPad ships in April: Pre-order next Friday!

Apple has officially announced that iPad Wi-Fi will ship in April with pre-orders starting on March 12th. This lays to rest weeks of speculation.

"iPad is something completely new," said Apple CEO Steve Jobs. "We're excited for customers to get their hands on this magical and revolutionary product and connect with their apps and content in a more intimate, intuitive and fun way than ever before."

I'll be checking out Apple Store Princesshay next month.


  1. I plan on replacing my MacBook Air with an iPad 3G with as much RAM as they offer (64GB???). I plan to use it on the road while I travel, as my sitting, watching TV, twittering device, and as an AWESOME in-car infotainment system.

    Here's a picture of how I see myself using an iPad in the car, albeit in a much cleaner install without the other stuff this gent has in his Rangie.

  2. Sounds great, Dan. This year I'm changing my car and your suggestion is on the money.

    Hopefully Apple's UK pricing won't be a stumbling block to making an early purchase - alleged supply chain issues notwithstanding!

    Amazon is usually my first port of call despite Apple and Amazon competing in the eReader space in this instance. Otherwise I'll wait a few months to see whether or not prices come down.


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