Following years of speculation, the Star Wars saga is getting a 3D makeover and, alas, the original trilogy is far, far away...
Lucasfilm Ltd. and Twentieth Century Fox announced today that the 3D theatrical launch of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace now has an official release date — February 10, 2012! Set against the thrilling and exotic backdrop of a “galaxy far, far away,” Star Wars is perfectly suited to the immersive 3D theatrical experience, and Episode I delivers some of the Saga’s most stunning and spectacular sequences — from the Naboo invasion to the Tatooine Podraces to the climactic lightsaber battle between Darth Maul and the Jedi.
I sincerely hope the press release was written with a sense of irony!
Supervised by Industrial Light & Magic, the meticulous conversion is being done with utmost respect for the source material, and with a keen eye for both technological considerations and artistic intentions.
The Phantom Menace marketing campaign overshadowed the finished film and suggested a much darker narrative as evinced by 'The Omen' teaser poster.
Will you be queuing up to see this or have you had enough of being nickel and dimed by George Lucas?
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