Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Star Wars games being pulled from the App Store

Josh Shabtai, Falcon Gunner’s creative director and head of Vertigore, recently wrote in a blog post that due to THQ’s deal with Lucasfilm coming to an end, THQ will have to withdraw Star Wars: Falcon Gunner from the App Store.

"In the end, I shouldn't be upset: I'd literally been dreaming about making a Millennium Falcon arcade machine for more than 27 years. THQ and Lucasfilm gave me and Vertigore the chance not only to realize this vision, but also to produce the first augmented reality Star Wars game, um, ever.

"But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sad. Especially when I knew what we had planned: An awesome iPad 2 version. An Android version. Visual interaction in AR mode. And last but not least, a Battle of Endor update, complete with an interactive backing track from Nien Numb."

Shabtai speculates that other developers, tied to the THQ deal, may also find their titles disappearing from the App Store in the coming days, suggesting Lucasfilm is planning a franchise-wide reset for Star Wars on iOS. Perhaps EA will handle future tie-in games? The company already works with Star Wars franchisee Hasbro. Or LucasArts may go it alone on the App Store.

Whatever the outcome. You may want to download Star Wars games, published by THQ, before March 31st.

Download Star Wars Arcade: Falcon Gunner (iTunes) before its gone forever...

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