Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat has revealed the sci-fi series was almost axed after David Tennant quit following three successful seasons as everyone's favourite time traveller.
Moffat speaking during a Q&A at the Hay Festival in Wales said:
"David owned that role in a spectacular way, gave it an all-new cheeky sexy performance and became a national treasure. And he didn't do it instantly, he did it over time. So the idea that Doctor Who could go on at all in the absence of David was a huge question, I didn't realise how many people thought it wouldn't succeed at all. That was quite terrifying when I found out about it later. I think there were plans maybe to consider ending it. It was Russell saying, you are not allowed to end it."
Moffat discusses the ongoing question of a female Doctor Who in The Telegraph.
Doctor Who returns to television screens with Matt Smith's replacement Peter Capaldi joining companion Jenna Coleman aboard the TARDIS this August.
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