Friday, 30 May 2014

Roland Emmerich is rebooting Stargate as a trilogy

Is Roland Emmerich suffering Star Wars envy? The Hollywood director, best known for brash B-movies such as Independence Day and The Day After Tomorrow, is rebooting Stargate as a trilogy with producer Dean Devlin.

The original Stargate was released in 1994 and spawned a successful television franchise.

"We couldn't be more excited to once again partner with Roland and Dean, the world-class creators of the original Stargate, to bring their reinvigorated vision of this wildly popular property to audiences of multiple generations. Stargate is one of the biggest titles in MGM's vast library, and we look forward to adding this great franchise to our slate,” said MGM chairman/CEO Gary Barber.

“The Stargate universe is one that we missed terribly, and we cannot wait to get going on imagining new adventures and situations for the trilogy. This story is very close to our hearts, and getting the chance to revisit this world is in many ways like a long lost child that has found its way back home,” Emmerich and Devlin said in a joint statement.

“Stargate created an expansive cinematic universe that has engaged fans for two decades. Under the guidance of Roland and Dean, these new films will build upon the creativity and popularity of the first film, while delivering an original film-going experience for fans and those new to the franchise,” added Warner Bros.' Greg Silverman.

Emmerich is also working on a sequel to Independence Day, which Twentieth Century Fox must be eager to release after losing Star Wars to Disney following the acquisition of Lucasfilm.

Are you bored by reboots? Let me know in the comments below.

Read Remakes and reboots: is Hollywood in decline?

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