Thursday, 26 February 2015

Neill Blomkamp's Alien is a direct sequel to Aliens

Game over! Director Neill Blomkamp confirms his Alien movie will be a sequel to James Cameron's Aliens during an interview, promoting Chappie, with Sky Movies.

Franchise star Sigourney Weaver, currently starring in Chappie, is keen to reprise her role as Ellen Ripley. "I would love to take Ripley from orbiting around in space and give a proper finish to what was such an excellent story."

This is what Blomkamp said during a Q&A with EW: "Over the years, I came up with a story for a film in that universe that I wanted to make. And then when I talked to her about her experience making those films and what she thought about Ripley and everything else, it informed and changed the film I wanted to make into something different. It just sort of stuck with me. A year later, when post-production was winding down on ‘Chappie,’ I started fleshing out the idea for a film that would contain Sigourney. Fox never knew. I just worked on it when I could. Before I knew it, I had this really awesome film with a lot of artwork and a lot of backstory. And then I didn't know whether I was going to make it or not. So I just kind of sat on it for a while."

More and more directors are leveraging social media and Blomkamp's is a marketing masterclass comparable to fellow genre auteurs JJ Abrams, Bryan Singer and Zack Snyder.

Does it bother you Alien³ and Alien Resurrection will be ignored? Let me know in the comments below.

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