Thursday, 4 August 2016

Bourne director oversees Star Wars spin-off Rogue One

Star Wars has a storied history of troubled shoots and director Gareth Edwards' upcoming Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is no exception.

The director was looking noticeably ashen-faced during the Rogue One panel at Star Wars Celebration Europe. A panel infamous for a spoiler, showing a sizzle reel three times in a row and for not releasing a new trailer outside the event.

Now news has emerged, from THR, that The Bourne Legacy director Tony Gilroy is purportedly heavily involved with postproduction on the first Star Wars spin-off movie ahead of its December release. However, it's a creative collaboration that goes back to Edwards' Godzilla and Gilroy has a proven track record for fixing things.

A source is cited as saying: "There are not two separate editing rooms; they are all in there with their ideas. Tony’s a strong force, but they're all working together.”

The 5-week reshoots, supposedly to inject humour into a gritty war movie, included a new ending at the behest of Disney executives.

Still excited for Rogue One? Let me know in the comments below.

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