Friday, 19 August 2016

Doctor Who panel at New York Comic Con

Doctor Who fans will have to wait until October's New York Comic Con (NYCC) for a first look at the upcoming Christmas special, series 10 and latest spin-off Class.

Peter Capaldi will be joined onstage at the Doctor Who panel by new co-star Pearl Mackie, who plays new companion Bill, outgoing showrunner Steven Moffat and executive producer Brian Minchin. Convention attendees should expect hints about series 10, which is currently in production.

The Class panel will include stars Greg Austin, Fady Elsayed, Sophie Hopkins and Vivian Oprah, joined by writer and creator Patrick Ness. The new spin-off series is set in Shoreditch, London. Coal Hill School has been an intrinsic part of the fabric of Doctor Who since An Unearthly Child cast its spell in November 1963.

Former Doctor Who Matt Smith and companion Karen Gillan will also be in attendance.

If you're attending New York Comic Con and would like to write a future feature, please get in contact.

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