Friday, 30 September 2016

Celebrate Force Friday with Rogue One merchandise

Fans around the world are celebrating Force Friday, for a second consecutive year, with the release of new merchandise for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. From LEGO sets to Funko Pop figures and much more...

Unlike last year's faux pas surrounding the enigmatic character of Rey in The Force Awakens. Toy companies have Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones) tie-ins in abundance.

As always LEGO sets are impressive. Most impressive.

Krennic's Imperial Shuttle set is joined by TIE Striker, Rebel U-Wing Fighter, Imperial Assault Hovertank and AT-ST Walker from the original trilogy.

Darth Vader is conspicuous by his absence. However, expect to see the Sith Lord back on toy store shelves in the next few months.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story opens in theatres on 16th December.

How are you celebrating Force Friday? Let me know in the comments below.

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