Wednesday, 28 December 2016

"So long, Princess!"

Actress Carrie Fisher, most famous for playing Princess Leia in the Star Wars saga, suffered a serious heart attack aboard a flight from London to Los Angeles last week. Passengers attempted to revive her with CPR and she was taken to hospital after the plane landed.

Sadly Carrie Fisher succumbed to her injuries and died yesterday. She was 60.

I couldn't let this pass without comment during the festive season break.

My first, and greatest, silver screen crush. Vivid memory, post discharge from children's hospital, of asking my late mum if 'Princess Leia' would wait for me to grow up? Doubtlessly, I wasn't unique in that, but for a 5-year old, who had survived a life-changing trauma, it was a big deal. My younger self never imagined actually meeting her; let alone getting a kiss. Star Wars Celebration Europe will be fondly remembered. Always.

Coincidentally, I visited mum's memorial yesterday and she introduced me to Star Wars. The connective tissue of hope...

Star Wars ignited a lifelong passion for film, giving me a framework within which to make sense of feeling intense isolation in the wake of a childhood trauma, and the inspiration behind the inception of this blog.

Thank you and RIP Carrie Fisher. xx

How did Carrie Fisher and Star Wars impact your life? Let me know in the comments below.

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