Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Disney and Fox deal could be announced this Thursday

A merger between Disney and Fox is expected to be formally announced this Thursday according to CNBC. The day before Star Wars: The Last Jedi is released in US cinemas.

If the blockbuster deal goes ahead it will have ramifications beyond Disney's Star Wars and Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) franchises.

From a genre perspective. This means Disney can unify its Marvel superhero strand (barring Spider-Man at Sony) ahead of the tenth anniversary of the release of Iron Man, and bolster the offering of the Mouse House's streaming service expected to premiere with a live-action Star Wars series in 2019.

Whilst Marvel fans may not see Hugh Jackman reprise the role of Wolverine in the MCU. The X-Men franchise, aside from Logan and Legion, has been running on fumes following the excellent First Class and is in need of a reboot.

Many Star Wars fans (myself included) have mused the Fox Fanfare maybe reinstated for Star Wars: Episode IX, directed by JJ Abrams, which closes the sequel trilogy in 2019. This will be followed by Rian Johnson's new trilogy.

Disney CEO Bob Iger has been on an acquisition trail that has witnessed Pixar, Marvel and Lucasfilm merged into the company. To infinity and beyond on the stock market...

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