Thursday, 1 February 2018

The Doctor Who companion between Clara and Bill

Around the time of Doctor Who special Last Christmas, speculation was rife surrounding Jenna Coleman's departure from the series after one season co-starring with Peter Capaldi in series 8. Former series showrunner Steven Moffat recently shed light on the matter during an interview with the Radio Times.

“I vaguely had a set of thoughts about what the new companion should be like. There would have been elements in common [with Bill] – but your mind moves on in the interim. So maybe some of where we ended up with Bill has obscured what I was thinking about for Clara’s replacement, or the original version of Clara’s replacement, so I couldn’t really say now. Bill ended up being very much her own thing, I think. And very much Pearl Mackie.”

Moffat didn't think Coleman would leave so soon.

“I didn’t feel as though we were quite finished with Jenna and Clara. And I wasn’t convinced, looking in Jenna’s eye, that she was really ready to leave. And I don’t think anyone should leave Doctor Who until they’re really ready to leave. So it wasn’t a massive surprise to me that she stayed. It was a bit of a surprise – I mean, we went to the Christmas read-through, “Last Christmas”, with her leaving at the end, and it was in the conversation after the read-through that she stayed. But you know, if you’ve got a star like that, you keep a star like that. Of course you do.”

Ultimately, Jenna Coleman stayed on for series 9, which sees some of the best stories since series 5.

Doctor Who returns this autumn starring Jodie Whittaker in the titular role.

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