Sunday, 13 May 2018

Star Wars series set after Return of the Jedi

Actor-director Jon Favreau has revealed the upcoming Star Wars live-action series, due to launch on Disney's streaming service, DisneyLife, will be set between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens.

Favreau's Star Wars series will utilise motion capture technology as used on the director's live-action adaptation of Disney's The Jungle Book and is expected to explore the rise of the First Order in the wake of the Empire's defeat at the battle of Endor. Dave Filoni's recently announced animated series, Star Wars Resistance, also explores the same timeline.

The new series has no connection with George Lucas' live-action series originally planned to follow the release of Revenge of the Sith in 2005. One of those scripts formed the basis for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

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