Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Star Wars fan film: Vader Episode 1: Shards of the Past

Star Wars: Episode IX will be in cinemas this December. Whilst we wait for the first teaser trailer for director JJ Abrams' (The Force Awakens) conclusion to the Skywalker saga. Here's an awesome fan film by Danny Ramirez from Star Wars Theory.

Vader Episode 1: Shards of the Past.

"Anakin Skywalker is DEAD.

For eight months, the mysterious Darth Vader has enforced the Emperor’s commands. Fighting between the loss of Padme, and the new cursed life he now leads, Vader must do what must be done when a surviving Jedi Master from Order 66 has lured him to the home planet of his late wife’s tomb…"

If you have a Star Wars fan film you'd like to share, please contact me.

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