Tuesday, 29 October 2019

New The Mandalorian trailer teases tragic past

Lucasfilm has released a new trailer for the Disney+ Star Wars live-action series The Mandalorian from showrunner Jon Favreau (Iron Man). It ups the ante and teases a tragic backstory for the titular bounty hunter portrayed by Pedro Pascal.

30 minutes of the new Star Wars series, set between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens, was shown to an invited audience of critics who took to Twitter with rave reactions. The New York Times claims there's a major Star Wars universe spoiler in the first episode that has repercussions for the entire saga.

The Mandalorian's 8-part first season begins streaming, weekly, in the US, Canada, Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand exclusively on Disney+ this November. Though when we'll see it in the UK remains to be seen, we'll keep you posted on how you might be able to watch it.

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