Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Dance your cares away as Fraggle Rock is back!

One of my most enduring childhood memories is of watching Jim Henson's Fraggle Rock at my late Canadian grandmother's house after school. She would always pour me a glass of orange juice and I'd have a choice of biscuit (usually choosing a Jammie Dodger years before Doctor Who made them cool again).

So, I was delighted to learn Apple is rebooting the beloved series for families around the world during the coronavirus lockdown. Fraggle Rock: Rock On! is recorded on iPhones by self-isolating artists across America.

“The beloved stars of the classic Eighties series — Gobo, Red, Boober, Mokey, Wembley and Uncle Traveling Matt — join together again for new stories and classic Fraggle songs that show everyone how we are all connected through friendship,” reads the Cupertino-based company's synopsis.

“While the Fraggles might be in different parts of the Fraggle Rock caves, they can still find ways to have fun together, with music, silliness, special guests, and of course the help of devices created by the industrious Doozers — lovingly called the Doozertubes!”

New episodes of Fraggle Rock: Rock On! stream for free every Tuesday on Apple TV+.

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