Friday, 18 December 2020

Empire's legacy and departure of Boba Fett

This is the holiday gift Star Wars fans (myself included) are looking for from the fine folks at Lucasfilm.

Good Morning America (GMA) has shared rare and exclusive behind-the-scenes footage from Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. The sequel to Star Wars took the franchise to dark and unexpected places that Andrew Lewin and I explore for the movie's 40th anniversary.

An emotional journey transporting me back forty years ago to a time when I first saw, with mum and an aunt, gargantuan Imperial Walkers striding across a desolate snowscape in what would become my favourite film of all time...

In related news. Jeremy Bulloch, who played Boba Fett in the original Star Wars trilogy, has sadly passed away, aged 75. The infamous bounty hunter first appeared alongside Darth Vader (David Prowse) on the big screen in The Empire Strikes Back and quickly gained a cult following after capturing Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and taking him to Jabba the Hutt.

Bulloch’s physicality imbued Fett with a steely coolness that suggested he could kill Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) on Cloud City! Of course, the actor is also known to fellow Doctor Who fans for playing Hal the Archer in Jon Pertwee's classic serial The Time Warrior.

If you hadn't already guessed, Fett's one of my favourite characters from the franchise and the 12-inch action figure a cherished Christmas gift from childhood - I was too excited to sleep after discovering Santa had left a smuggler's bounty on the landing.

From celebrating the 40th anniversary of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes to The Mandalorian, we hope we've helped bring some cheer during this unprecedented year.

This is the ideal opportunity to wish you and yours a very safe holiday season. Here's hoping 2021 brings brighter days. May the Force be with you. Always.

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