Saturday, 10 April 2021

Self-transforming Optimus Prime is a thing

During Friday's first-ever Hasbro Pulse Fan Fest, the Pawtucket-based company announced the most advanced Transformers toy in history.

For $700, Transformers fans (myself included) can purchase a 19-inch app-controlled self-transforming Optimus Prime. Filmmaker Kevin Smith and longtime friend Jason Mewes demonstrated the voice-controlled fan-favourite Autobot Leader (featuring the voice of Peter Cullen). This is the stuff of childhood dreams.

"After over 11 years of rigorous R&D, the talented team at Robosen was able to produce the first-ever consumer robot that features a comprehensive set of functions, including automatic convertible movement from vehicle to robot, bipedal walking ability in robot form, race function in vehicle form, programmable/code development, and robot control/commands by either voice or mobile app," reads the press release from Hasbro.

The transforming technology is impressive and would make Sphero's Star Wars app-enabled droids blush.

"We are thrilled to collaborate with Hasbro and look forward to ushering in a new standard of robotics with the most advanced Transformers robots for consumers ever created," said Robosen USA director Sean Tang. "The team is working hard to deliver an amazing user experience for fans of this esteemed franchise and produce Transformers that will be a premium addition to their collection with its superior functionality."

Optimus Prime is currently only available in the US and beyond my price range as a casual collector. So, I've pre-ordered Kingdom Commander Rodimus Prime and evil Autobot Blurr from IDW's Shattered Glass for toy photography on Instagram.

What do you think? Would you spend $700 on a robotic Optimus Prime? Let me know in the comments below.

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