Tuesday, 6 July 2021

Star Wars: Visions first look at Anime Expo Lite

Lucasfilm has shared the first look at Star Wars: Visions during a panel at Anime Expo Lite.

"As a first formal venture into anime, each “Star Wars: Visions” short bears a unique Japanese sensibility, which in many ways aligns with the tone and spirit of Star Wars storytelling. From the beginning, stories told in the Star Wars galaxy have counted Japanese mythology and the films of Akira Kurosawa among their many influences, and these new visions will further explore that cultural heritage through the unique animation style and perspective of each anime studio."

Kamikaze Douga - The Duel
Geno Studio (Twin Engine) - Lop and Ochō
Studio Colorido (Twin Engine) - Tatooine Rhapsody
Trigger - The Twins
Trigger - The Elder
Kinema Citrus - The Village Bride
Science Saru - Akakiri
Science Saru - T0-B1
Production IG - The Ninth Jedi

All nine episodes of Star Wars: Visions will be released on Disney+ 22nd September.

Are you looking forward to Star Wars: Visions on Disney+? Let me know in the comments below.


  1. This is huge! It’s similar to Marvel’s anime in the early 2000’s! Studio Trigger & Production I.G. are my favourites here but they’ve all made something I’ve watched. I hope this happens more often and I really hope it’s the beginning of a new anthology series for D+.

    1. Are those Marvel anime series on Disney+? Will have to check them out.


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