Wednesday, 7 July 2021

Zack Snyder's 'Star Wars' on Netflix

Zack Snyder (Justice League), fresh from Army of the Dead, is reworking a pre-Disney Star Wars pitch for Netflix.

Rebel Moon is based on Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai.

"This is me growing up as an Akira Kurosawa fan, a Star Wars fan," said Snyder in his announcement. “It’s my love of sci-fi and a giant adventure. My hope is that this also becomes a massive IP and a universe that can be built out.”

Rebel Moon evokes Roger Corman's Battle Beyond the Stars, released in the wake of Star Wars' success, and it's piqued my interest following Snyder's cut of Justice League. Shay Hatten, who worked with Snyder on 300 and Army of the Dead, has been hired to flesh out the universe for Rebel Moon.

"I’ve spent the last two or three years building out this universe. Every corner has to be painted in. I’ve been doing designs, constantly drawing and really cultivating its fertile ground to make this world fully realized," said Hatten.

The runaway success of Disney+, owing much to Marvel Studios and Star Wars, is putting increasing pressure on Netflix. The Fear Street trilogy is currently proving popular with slasher film fans (myself included) as it channels the nostalgia of Netflix stablemate Stranger Things.

Rebel Moon goes into production in 2022.


  1. Now this could be very interesting

    1. Snyder creating his own cinematic universe IP.


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