Monday, 28 March 2022

Apple wins best picture for CODA

Apple TV+ is the first streaming service to win the best picture award at the Oscars for CODA.

"I can't believe it," Emilia Jones, who plays Ruby Rossi the child of deaf adults, told BBC News. "I honestly can't. When they called Coda out, we all just couldn't believe it. You know, we're the little underdog independent movie that kind of did it. And I'm just so grateful to everybody that has watched the movie, loved the movie and supported it. I'm on cloud nine."

Jones, daughter of singer and presenter Aled Jones, appeared as Merry Gejelh in Doctor Who and plays Kinsey Locke in Locke & Key on Netflix.

The Cupertino-based company is focused on prestige content. This win will only bolster the tech titan's position in an increasingly overcrowded space once dominated by Netflix.

Have you seen CODA on Apple TV+? Let me know in the comments below.

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