Monday, 17 April 2023

Andor returns to the Jurassic Coast

The second and final season of Star Wars: Andor on Disney+ is currently being filmed on location (via DorsetLive) for a possible release in the summer of 2024.

Lucasfilm has returned to Winspit Quarry, which served as Saw Gerrera's (Forest Whitaker) secret base in the first season of the Star Wars live-action spin-off series.

Winspit Quarry was used for the classic Doctor Who serial Destiny of the Daleks in the late seventies and Blake's 7 in the early eighties.

Star Wars: Andor is widely regarded as one of the best Star Wars spin-offs ever made, taking the franchise in a darker direction forgoing lightsabers in favour of political intrigue. Andor (Diego Luna) is conscripted by the Empire to help build the first dreaded Death Star that will ultimately kill him. Incidentally, The Mandalorian has embraced politics in the third season of the award-winning spin-off series following the intergalactic duo of Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal) and Grogu.

Diego Luna reprises the titular role in the prequel to Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and, along with series showrunner Tony Gilroy (The Bourne Identity), teased the upcoming season at Star Wars Celebration Europe 2023.

Are you looking forward to the second season of Star Wars: Andor on Disney+? Let me know in the comments below.

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