Sunday, 21 April 2024

For All Mankind spin-off Star City

For All Mankind, an alternate reality sci-fi series created by Ronald D. Moore (Battlestar Galactica), has been renewed for a fifth season and a spin-off series has been announced.

Star City.

“Our fascination with the Soviet space program has grown with every season of ‘For All Mankind,’” said executive producers Wolpert and Nedivi. “The more we learned about this secret city in the forests outside Moscow where the Soviet cosmonauts and engineers worked and lived, the more we wanted to tell this story of the other side of the space race. We could not be more excited to continue building out the alternate history universe of ‘For All Mankind’ with our partners at Apple and Sony.”

Read the description of Star City:

"A robust expansion of the “For All Mankind” universe, “Star City” is a propulsive, paranoid thriller that takes us back to the key moment in the alt-history retelling of the space race — when the Soviet Union became the first nation to put a man on the moon. But this time, we explore the story from behind the Iron Curtain, showing the lives of the cosmonauts, the engineers and the intelligence officers embedded among them in the Soviet space program, and the risks they all took to propel humanity forward."

The first four seasons of For All Mankind are now available to stream on Apple TV+.

Are you watching For All Mankind? Are you looking forward to Star City? Let me know in the comments below.

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