Monday, 6 June 2005

How The Leopard Got His Spots

With Intel inside of course! To perpetuate my ordained role of Devil's Advocate, I'm excited by the news and will now wait until next year before upgrading (could be as soon as January 2006).

This really makes sense, just think about it. IBM has failed to deliver G5 chips that break the 3GHz barrier and don't think that the proprietary custom chips, produced for PS3, Xbox 360 and Revolution, will power a Mac Mini before the legal contracts end. Once the dust settles the specifics of the Apple/Intel strategic alliance will become clear as the first bespoke hardware emerges.

A decade ago Mac Users were braced for the transition from 68K to PowerPC. If you think we've had it bad, just speak to Amiga owners! I'm off to download Xcode 2.1 and start compiling PowerPC and Intel universal binaries. 'Rosetta' is the pathway from one paradigm to the next.

[As a footnote. How long can CodeWarrior survive with Xcode snapping at its heels?]

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