Tuesday, 6 October 2009

New Doctor, new logo

The Doctor Who logo has undergone almost as many changes as the Time Lord himself!

This would be counterproductive for most brands! Logos are intended to engender immediate brand recognition and none more successfully than Apple or McDonald's. However, in the, perhaps unique, case of Doctor Who, it's appropriate when viewed in the broader context of consumer expectations - new Doctor, new TARDIS interior and so on...

But what do you think? Is it an improvement on recent efforts, an indulgence at the license payers expense, or do you remain unconvinced? And, if you were to pick a logo, from 1963 onwards, which would be your favourite? I'll go with the 'diamond logo' myself!

1 comment:

  1. Hi John,
    Thanks for blogging about this. Just showed my Whovian lads the BBC's animated logo link.

    Here are their first reactions -

    "Reminds me of the future" and "cool" (by Oli age 8 and Ralph age 12)
    We talked about the 'DW' vs 'DR' too, because we all call him the Doctor rather than DW! Maybe it's a new acronym that will take off and we'll see #dw appear more in our twitter streams!


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