Monday, 21 July 2014

Your final chance to be in Star Wars: Episode VII

Director JJ Abrams reveals a battle-scarred X-Wing in blue livery on the set of Star Wars: Episode VII in aid of Force for Change.

Here's the press release:

All Wings Report In! On the set of Star Wars: Episode VII, Director J.J. Abrams was interrupted by an X-Wing pilot and rogue robot as he announced the chance for fans to win an advance private screening of Star Wars: Episode VII. “We are so grateful for the support that the fans from over 119 countries have shown for Force for Change," said Abrams. "As we close this final week, we've added an additional prize that allows the fans the opportunity to see the movie early as a thank you for supporting such a great cause as UNICEF’s innovative, lifesaving work for children.” By contributing at any level by July 25th, participants will be eligible for all prizes including a chance to be in the movie.

The plot premise for Episode VII has allegedly leaked online and is doing the rounds. I won't be linking to any of the stories or adding to the speculation.

You can donate to Force for Change here. I've made a donation in memory of my high school classmate Rebecca Richards who tragically died at the weekend following a long illness.

Do you want to see more X-Wings? Let me know in the comments below.

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