Monday, 1 June 2015

Brace yourself for Jurassic World

Early buzz following last week's premiere in Paris suggests Jurassic World maybe the best Jurassic Park sequel to date and puts the franchise firmly back into the realm of summer blockbusters.

Given the dino-sized merchandising blitzkrieg, not seen since the original Jurassic Park, about to be unleashed, it's just as well...

The T-Rex attack in Jurassic Park remains a cinematic touchstone and showed director Steven Spielberg hadn't lost his deftness for instilling fear and awe in an audience, which he'd perfected years earlier in the movie that ushered in the era of the blockbuster. Jaws.

Two sequels followed to mixed reviews, but a third was mired in development hell for over a decade. With Chris Pratt's star in the ascendance following Guardians of the Galaxy. Things look decidedly more promising on Isla Nublar.

Soundtrack buffs should have a listen to this teaser from composer Michael Giacchino. Giacchino is one of my favourite composers currently working in Hollywood and evoked John Williams' collaborations with director Steven Spielberg for JJ Abrams' Super 8.

I've booked my ticket for June 11th and will post a review soon thereafter.

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