Monday, 30 May 2016

Academy releases rare Revenge of the Jedi trailer

The majority of Star Wars fans know there was a time when Revenge of the Jedi was a thing, before creator George Lucas decided it wasn't, months prior to the movie's release in the US, and changed it back to Return of the Jedi. By that time merchandise had already started shipping and now commands a premium in the collector's market.

The Academy has released this rarely seen gem.

In the spring of 1982 UK cinema audiences were given a brief glimpse of the final chapter, until The Force Awakens over thirty years later, in the Star Wars saga.

The teaser trailer, which spoils Han Solo's rescue from Jabba the Hutt, played with a double bill of Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back from 30th May. It's very likely I saw this with my parents and pestered them about the seemingly interminable wait.

It's interesting to note the movie was originally scheduled for Christmas 1983, but ultimately moved forward to May of that year. Somewhat prescient given Disney's scheduling of its Star Wars movies since buying Lucasfilm in 2012.

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