Friday, 12 June 2020

Aloy and Spider-Man showstoppers on PS5

Sony's delayed PlayStation 5 (PS5) future of gaming event delivered and then some on Thursday.

Whilst the Xbox Series X third-party showcase slipped into controversy, PlayStation dropped Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales without warning and it's coming to PS5 this holiday season from the newly-formed PlayStation Studios in conjunction with Marvel Studios.

Sony's VP head of European Business, Simon Rutter told The Telegraph: "I guess you could call it an expansion and an enhancement to the previous game.

"There's a substantial Miles Morales component—which is the expansion element—but also within the game as well there's been major enhancements to the game and the game engine, obviously deploying some of the major PlayStation 5 technology and features."

Rutter continued: "I think what is very interesting for everyone to see is how familiar games might be to some degree changed through the workings of PlayStation 5."

Sackboy made a surprise return and Horizon Forbidden West is a direct sequel to the award-winning Horizon Zero Dawn with the continuing adventures of Aloy in a gorgeous post-apocalyptic world. Incidentally, I bought Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition in the Days of Play sale, but will save it for PS5.

The event culminated in the reveal of the PS5 itself. There'll be two SKUs. One with a 4K UHD Blu-ray disc drive (oddly omitted from the PS4 Pro) and a digital-only model. I'm going all digital (as I have on Xbox One X), but need an optical drive for those shiny silver platters I still own. The PS5 is a sleek slice of anime-inspired tech and can be stored vertically or horizontally. Yay!

Given the impact of current world events, the PS5 will most likely be in short supply this holiday season and the anticipated high price point maybe a barrier for consumers wanting to upgrade from PS4 in the short to medium term.

Your move Microsoft...

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