Saturday, 13 June 2020

Pilots wanted for Star Wars: Squadrons

Lock S-foils in attack position! After the Microsoft Store prematurely leaked Star Wars: Squadrons, EA has officially confirmed the upcoming title, codenamed Project Maverick, ahead of EA Play on 18th June with a trailer dropping on Monday.

Squadrons is expected to be an aerial combat video game in the spirit of Rogue Squadron and seemingly overlaps with stablemate Star Wars Battlefront. It's the first new title from EA Motive and Criterion, who developed the space combat for Battlefront, doesn't appear to be involved.

EA has a chequered history with the storied franchise. However, Battlefront II has improved immeasurably since launching in 2017 and Respawn's Jedi: Fallen Order is one of the best spin-offs in years. Both are highly recommended.

Star Wars: Squadrons is available for pre-order (affiliate link).

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