Saturday, 11 December 2021

Star Wars Eclipse from Quantic Dream

Lucasfilm Games announced Star Wars Eclipse during The Game Awards on Thursday. The upcoming Star Wars video game is in collaboration with award-winning studio Quantic Dream (Detroit: Become Human).

Read the official synopsis:

"Set during the High Republic era, Star Wars Eclipse is an intricately branching action-adventure game that can be experienced in many ways, and puts the destinies of multiple playable characters in your hands, created in collaboration between Quantic Dream and Lucasfilm Games."

Star Wars Eclipse is currently in the early stages of development at Quantic Dream’s studios in Paris, France and Montreal, Canada. It's not yet known if this is another PlayStation console exclusive from the studio as no platforms were announced.

As a fan of Quantic Dream's previous PlayStation console exclusives Heavy Rain and Detroit: Become Human, which I completed on PlayStation 5 (PS5) last holiday season, I'm excited to play Star Wars Eclipse. How about you? Let me know in the comments below.

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