Tuesday, 26 April 2005


Today SCEE announced that 01.09.05 is when PSP officially arrives! Mirroring the US pack-in, the initial offering will be the ubiquitous Value Pack priced at £179 (€249). Spider-Man 2 UMD is a bonus for early adopters. Better start scraping some pennies together.

60 Minutes special 'Star Wars' Goes To Hell was compelling viewing. Scenes of Anakin vs Obi-Wan were amongst the highlights along with a look at Lucasfilm's new offices. Francis Ford Coppola cropped up, not that he's in demand these days! George Lucas has become a billionaire based on a relatively small creative catalogue and has to be admired for his business acumen. He confirmed that there will be two Star Wars television series. The animated Clone Wars is be retooled (in 3D) for 30 minute episodes and a live-action show set between Episode's III and IV. Looks like Kenner's internal promo videos were indeed portentous. Should keep Hasbro busy.


  1. I found this great clip on jokes.m3Rlin.org. It's a great claymation movie about Darth Vader and the Emperor: http://jokes.m3rlin.org/funny/darth-vader-calls-the-emperor-claymation . I laughed so hard!!!


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