Mark the following diary date in iCal. Apple has officially announced that April 29th is the day Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger is unleashed! The £88.99 retail price is highly competitive and, as I'm not yet in the market for a new machine, it'll be fun to play with the newest cat in town sans financial mauling (terrible pun)! Between now and the release I'll be preparing another Über DVD backup and, hopefully, all the major third party developers will have update patches (if required) before the end of the month.
Fiona Apple's (the link was too alluring) difficult third album remains in limbo! The album was presented to Sony in 2003 and has yet to appear on retail shelves - editorial issues. In a sign of the times a 'CD quality' copy can be obtained online via a popular P2P client. Truthfully you're better off listening to Jem's 'Portishead' production sensibility than Fiona!
Fiona Apple's (the link was too alluring) difficult third album remains in limbo! The album was presented to Sony in 2003 and has yet to appear on retail shelves - editorial issues. In a sign of the times a 'CD quality' copy can be obtained online via a popular P2P client. Truthfully you're better off listening to Jem's 'Portishead' production sensibility than Fiona!
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